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Donations and Sponsorships

The St. Clair Shores Community Chorus is a non-profit 501c3 organization we rely on the generous support of donors and various fundraisers to run and operate.


We raise funds to support the mission of our organization as well as our Vision to provide scholarships supporting students with singing talent.

The SCSCC offers many opportunities for you to support and help bring music to the community and scholarships to deserving students. 


Please consider supporting through a sponsorship or donation opportunity.

(Members - please read the "how to use" document on the members page click here)

Business Ads

Promote your business in our event program books for our December Holiday and Spring Cabaret Performances. 

Many options are available at very reasonable costs.


In Kind and Monetary donations are welcome to support the Chorus. These donations are used for raffles to raise more funds in support of our scholarship program and the operations of the chorus.

Become a Friend of the Chorus

Please consider supporting the SCSCC by becoming a Friend of the Chorus.  Friends of the chorus are a vital part of our organization.  Member dues and ticket sales cover only a portion of our expenses.  Therefore, the Chorus must rely on private donations to help support our mission.  Our Friends partner with the SCSCC to support our growth and to bring music to our local community.  We cannot do this without your help.   


To donate by mail, please print and complete the form.  Send completed form and donation to address provided on the contribution form.  All Friends of the Chorus donations are gratefully acknowledged in each concert program and on our website.  Donations that exceed $250 or more are entitled to complimentary tickets as shown below.  Complimentary tickets are only available through the SCSCC.  Complimentary tickets are not available for special events.


Platinum Note 

  • Gift:  $1000

  • Benefits:  6 complimentary tickets

Gold Note

  • Gift:  $500

  • Benefits:  4 complimentary tickets

Silver Note

  • Gift:  $250

  • Benefits:  2 complimentary tickets

Bronze Note

  • Gift:  $100

Chorus Supporter

  • Gift:  $99 and less 

Platinum Note
6 complimentary tickets
Gold Note
4 complimentary tickets
Silver Note
2 complimentary tickets
Bronze Note
Chorus Supporter
$99 and less

The St Clair Shores Community Chorus is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law. The value of tickets received may reduce the value of your deduction by that amount. Consult with your tax advisor if you have any questions. 

Donations are greatly appreciated.

We do need your help to keep the arts alive!


Please see the Friends of the Chorus Letter below for additional information!
To donate by mail, please print and complete the Friends of the Chorus Form 

Send completed form and donation to address provided on the contribution form.





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